CryptoSumatra AMA Recap With Klear Finance

8 min readJun 27, 2021


Time : June 27/ 12pm UTC / 19.00 WIB
Venue :
CryptoSumatra Community Telegram Group
Speaker : Dee Dave


Q1. Q1. Please introduce yourself and your background. And flash story on how you get into Lobomoon.
I am a businessman and I own a franchise of one of the most popular Auto Detailing and Repair in the Philippines (Rapide Auto Service Experts). I’ve been into car industry for almost 3 years. I bought 100 bitcoin back in 2015 when the price was $250 per bitcoin. I sold bitcoin for around $5000 in 2017. That’s the time I was able to franchise Rapide Auto Service Experts. I am also a front end web developer since 2013 and a Pastor at a church serving God.

One day, my churchmate and I, who is also a crypto investor, joked at me. He said “Pastor, Is it possible to make our own cryptocurrency?” I said yes it’s possible. I have been a victim of scams and rugpulls of some tokens and I say to myself I should create an app that will identify possible malicious contracts without the need of a 3rd party organization to analyze and read the contract, identify rug pulls, hacks and high-risk tokens to prevent monetary loss to cryptocurrency investors as I feel of being scammed. That’s where LOBOMOON was created.

Q2. Can you please briefly describe what is Lobomoon and how it works?
LOBOMOON with its token $LOBO is built on Binance Smart Chain to bring a hyper-deflationary multi-purpose decentralized token driven by the community and traders. There are two simple functions occur during each trade: Reflection and LP Acquisition.

There is a 10% tax for each transaction. 5% of the transaction is distributed to $LOBO holders while the other 5% goes to liquidity provider.

Furthermore, we will provide an app called “LOBOAPP”. The LOBOAPP has advanced feature that will provide real-time data charting, trading analytics, wallet tracker, smart contract reviews and risk ratings for the benefit of the whole crypto community at no cost. LOBOAPP will allow you to get any information of the token on the popular smart chain networks including Binance smart chain, ethereum, tron, polygon and other network protocols in one place.

Also the LOBOAPP will contain LOBORating which means our app will analyze the coins and give a rate. The rating that LOBOAPP give will be (Possible Scam, Risky, Warning and Possible Safe). This will help traders and newcomers whether to engage with the token or not.

Q3. What are the advantages of Lobomoon project?
By using our LOBOAPP, users can trade on any tokens across all major DEX network including Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Bakeryswap, Sushiswap, Justswap, Mooniswap and other DEX platforms. So wait no more when you want to make a trade; simply connect your wallet to the platform and exchange.

Plus, you can unlock advanced feature with deep analytics at no cost.

Also, we will come up a tool to let users create a token in just a few minutes on any of the smart chain networks. There is no coding required and is FREE of charge for a simple token without much functionality. But for token with advanced functionality, the user must pay a certain fee using $LOBO as payment.

Soon, I will also accept $LOBO as payment in our shop and introduce to other shops in the Philippines.

Q4. Please tell us some progress & achievement from Lobomoon Roadmap.
We have an ongoing airdrop of 1thrillion $LOBO distributed to winners and we will continue to do so to bring more awareness of our project. There will be more airdrops in place after the first airdrops ended. We are aiming for more AMA session on other groups. There will be another set of AMA schedules after this one.

The aim is to build a platform that cuts across all the major smart chains that will be able to carry out real-time data charting, trading analytics, wallet tracking, smart contract reviews and risk ratings which will be used to identify scams activity in the DeFi world.

Basically what it means is that in the near future $LOBO will provide a platform to carry out your financial research, trade and monitor your crypto assets with real time analysis of every aspect (charting, liquidity, pool activity, trading volume, trading history and trading transactions) of a token
And it will all help in identifying high risk projects and possible rugpulls.

If you want to check our roadmap. You can see a copy of our roadmap on our website over at

Q5. How many people/backers are there in Lobomoon team?
There are two devs on the team including me and we have a few trustworthy moderators to help us out in our community chat!. Soon, we will get more developers to join our awesome team. I have a lot of businessmen friends and I am excited to introduce LOBOMOON to them to back us up.

Q6. Please share Lobomoon Tokenomic model and explain about the token and it’s utilization as well as the supply.
There is a total supply of 1 quadrillion of $LOBO created on the Binance Smart chain. It was a fair launched and there were 50% burn from the total supply upon our launched leaving 500thrillion $LOBO in circulation, 45% on liquidity pool locked for 3 years on dxsale and 5% to the dev wallet.

We have 10% tax on all buys and sells, 5% into the liquidity pool and 4% redistrubuted to holders. We also plan on doing manual burns every month.


Q1. At the moment, what event is in progress which engaged community in it? And will be there other events or excited program in near future from Lobomoon? Thank you
We have an ongoing airdrop of 1 thrillion lobo and will continue with the airdrops after the one airdrop is ended. We will have more AMA soon on other crypto groups.

Q2. Only getting users, holders etc is not everything. In my opinion, a project needs to deal with solving a real world issue or problem What is the problem that your project primarily focuses on?
Our real world issue is the prevention of scams and rugpulls
It will include complete analysis for all tokens across all smart chain
Our platform will also unify all smart chain and make trading across them seamless
We are bridging the gap and making trading simpler and easier
It will be available when the LOBOAPP is ready

Q1. The two biggest problem in crypto are the Liquidity issue and volatility issue. What steps LoboNetwork is taking to tackle these two issues? Does your platform easy for newbies? KYC is compulsary to fully enjoy your platform service?
Yes our platform is easy for newbies and does not need for KYC to fully enjoy our APP has to offer. We will add more liquidity to the project soon by our businessmen partners. We will do manual burns to deflate the circulating supply.This will make our token increase prices and this will benefit all the holders.

Our app and network is still on the drawing board, our product designers and creative team are working on it.
Our platform will have the beginners mode and an advanced mode

Q2. In your discription it is said that you focus on identifying scam project and prevents monetary loss.Initially every scam projects comes with great points to make people invest. My question is what are the primary factors lobomoon focuses to separate genuine and scam projects?
Our LOBOMOON app will read and analyze the contract for possible scam or possible safe, read and analyze the devs wallet activity and large whale activity for us to determine whether we are swimming with whales or not.

Q3. It is unfortunate that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term; how do you plan to make this project sustainable for its development?
$LOBO isn’t like that. Our roadmap and upcoming projects are realistic
And we are working ahead of time to make sure that we meet all targets
Our team is committed to ending scams and rugpulls in the DeFi world
And as people who have been victims of rugpulls, we’re dedicated to make sure that in the nearest future people will be able to identify and avoid such tokens


Q1. I would like to know if you’ve completed any security audits? Perhaps by third-parties? We’ve seen dozens of hacks, exploits and stuff like that this year, What measures have been taken to protect LOBO community from it?
I know for a fact that audit is very important in order to increase the value and credibility of the company. We’re looking into it and we have chosen certik to conduct security audit of our smart contract as they are the industry-leading blockchain security firm. As soon as our contract is audited by certik, we will release it to the public. Rest assured, our code is very safe and our developer made sure that the contract doesn’t have any backdoors or whatsoever. We have already contacted the Certik team and we are currently on negotiation. As you know the cost to get an audit is quite high between $20k-$40k depending on the complexity of the smart contract. But we will get there.

Q2. -Where can I buy your tokens? -What is your current contract, and how can I buy them?
-What are the advantages, for me buying these tokens?
Our token is live on pancakeswap
It is a hyper deflationary token with a smart staking system
Which means that by just holding $LOBO tokens, you get more tokens after every transaction of $LOBO made on pancakeswap.

Q3. Do you have any, plans to add Nft’s to your ecosystem, as this is the hottest topic in the crypto space??
The LOBO platform will have a section for NFTs where you can discover the newest and hottest

And to mark the launching of our LOBOAPP, we will be releasing a commemorative Limited edition NFTs for our holders.

Q4. I have a question Why should I invest in your token; do you guarantee I’ll be profitable?
This is the question that we’re trying to answer for everyone by releasing the $LOBO platform.
When a project is being advertised, at the end you’re told to DYOR. $LOBO will make your research easy
We have a solid and committed team, our project has a real life use case, marketing and promotions will begin soon and I can tell you for a fact that you will be profitable

What’s important for us is the community, As owner of car detailing and repair shop in the Philippines, I know how to make the customer satisfied. If customers are satisfied, they will go back to you even the price is too much. Same thing in our LOBO project, if holders are community are satisfied, the price and investors will follow.

Q5. Marketing is a central element for every project, so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieve the goals set. What is your strategy to attract new users and Investor to your platform and keep them long term.
We have reached out influencers that will be promoting $LOBO on different social media. But we will only be start full promotions as soon as our audit is done, we will also release our white paper. At the moment we reward holders 5% of every transaction of $LOBO from pancakeswap. You can also join in our liquidity pool to earn rewards from each transaction fees.
We will be having more AMAs in the future to talk about new developments and milestones achieved
Our promotions will be on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, tiktok, and we will possibly have a celebrity on board as well

For more information about Lobomoon :





The LOBOmoon Network is 100% community driven, fair launched Defi token. There are two simple functions occur during each trade: Distribution and Liquidity